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Students learn science best through: • Curiosity and the desire to understand the world. • Engaging in hands on inquiry-based collaborative exploration. • Scientific inquiry that takes on many forms - trial and error, documentation, prediction, testing, experimentation, reflection, model making invention, creativity, intuition and so on. • Functioning as scientists. • Demonstrating a balance of conceptual understanding, procedural proficiency and factual knowledge. • Revising thinking by acknowledging and resolving discrepancies and misconceptions through examination of evidence. • Developing scientific literacy in the process of doing science. • Immersing them in science when it is relevant to their lives. Effective science teaching practices: • Provide opportunities for choice, hands-on and collaborative group work that guides scientific discovery. • Teach process skills that apply to the various content areas of science. • Challenge students to think through problems and to explain their reasoning related to Science concepts. • Offer learning experiences that are integrated across the curriculum. • Teach a developmentally appropriate number of fundamental concepts that are explored in depth. • Guide and support students in making connections between their prior knowledge and current instruction. • Use varied assessments to monitor understanding and ability to apply knowledge. • Identify and challenge misconceptions. • Use technology appropriate for doing and teaching science. • Support understanding of connections within science and the historical development of scientific knowledge. Middle School science courses are designed to be inquiry based. The curriculum is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Each grade level has a mix of physical, chemical and life science to help students see the interconnections of the various branches of science. In addition to laboratory investgation, teachers use a variety of resources including text, websites, movies, research, field experiences and scientific experts to deliver the curriculum. Three overarching standards that have threads in each grade levels are: • The student understands the nature and tools of scientific inquiry. • The student knows about the diversity and unity that characterize life. • The student understands basic science processes.


The 6th Grade Science course begins each unit with an anchoring phenomenon or problem, which helps connect each lesson across time and provides meaning. Activities are driven by students’ questions that arise from their interactions with phenomena. Student questions are displayed on a driving question board and returned to throughout the unit. Students use science and engineering practices to develop explanations and models that answer the driving questions. These questions ultimately result in students developing deep science ideas, but they are driven by their own interests and questions. The main units of study focus on: thermal energy transfer; the human impact on Earth; weather, climate and water cycling; plate tectonics and rock cycling; cells and development; and ecosystems. Prerequisite: None Length of course: One Year


The Grade 7 Science course continues to focus on the work of scientists. The students work to develop science process skills through units in biology, chemistry, physical science and Earth Science. The units of study involve introductions to atomic structure, chemical reactions, photosynthesis/respriation, a case study on the metabolism, electricity and astronomy. Through hands-on activities and labs, students explore these topics while developing skills of observation, analysis, teamwork and scientific thinking. Students will learn through lab investigations, projects, class discussions, readings and other appropriate activities.


The Grade 8 science course consists of six units of study. The first unit focuses on the study of genetic material and heredity. The next unit considers plant and animal reproduction with regard to the survival of species. The next unit will build upon the concepts from the previous units as students consider evidence that the process of evolution has produced the wide variety of observed life forms. In the next unit, students learn about wave behavior with particular regard to sound waves and electromagnetic radiation. The next unit involves a study of motion, forces and basic Newtonian mechanics. The final unit involves an exploration of gravity Throughout the year, emphasis will be placed on the development of student skills that will prepare them for the transition to the High School science program. Students will learn through lab investigations, projects, class discussions, readings and project-based activities.

Core Courses
Elective Courses
Advisory Classes


1 Midan Digla - Maadi 11431






Admissions: registrar@cacegypt.org